3 Workouts To Keep You Active This Spring!

Now that we are already into April either you’re still consistently working towards those goals you set for yourself at the new year or maybe you’ve petered out a bit because #life. Well it’s never to late to get back on a consistent workout routine! Today can be the day for you so choose any of these 3 workouts and get started!


Go for a run! Or a walk or a hike or a bike ride! These are all easy and simple ways to get your heart rate up and your body moving that costs you no money!

Don’t shy away from this workout and don’t underestimate the power of a walk. You don’t need to join a gym or bust when it comes to becoming more active. Keep it simple when you are first starting. Just go 15 minutes away from your house and then head back!


Follow this gym workout! These simple moves are a great guide to follow and a fun full body workout to do at the gym or at your home with some weights!



Follow this simple at home and no equipment video I made! I recommend trying to go through this workout 2-3 times for a good sweat sesh!

Do not underestimate the value of a 30 minute workout a few times a week in your own home to get you started! These are a great way to get started and do almost anywhere! Which workout will you go do this week?!

