Kami Blease

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You Are Worthy

I can get so caught up in wanting to teach and create new and exciting content for you that sometimes I forget that the simplest reminder is often the most important. The reminder that keeps you pushing forward, reminds you that you can do this and helps inspire you to continue creating a life and body you love.

And what’s that simple reminder?


You are worthy of your hopes, your dreams, your passions and your goals. You are more than a number, you are more than the job you hate (or love), the relationship that didn’t work (or did) and the goals you’ve missed (or surpassed). You are worth so much more than all of those things and you are worthy of all the things yet to come.

It’s easy heading into this holiday season to get caught up in all the goodies we want to buy ourselves and others. Thinking if we only had these things, we’d start the new year off better and happier. Though those things might be nice to have items, you are capable of becoming all you are meant to be without having the latest trendy top or newest gadget. Don’t hold off on creating the life you want for yourself until you have those things. Remember…

You are worthy.

You are worthy right now of all of those things. You are capable right now of all of those dreams! This means that change can happen today! January 1st isn’t a magical day where all new things are possible. Those things are possible now.

And as the new year continues to get closer, settle into the truth that it’s not about becoming a NEW you but about unleashing the YOU that you are meant to be. There is a YOU that only you are capable of being and it’s already all within you. haha that was a lot of “you’s” whew!

This year, might be the year it all comes together, and babe I seriously hope and believe that for you! But you know the first step to creating that..? The belief that you are worthy of it. Worthy of it as you are, in all of your glory. You won’t be any more worthy 20 lbs lighter or with a boyfriend. You are worthy of those dreams and that life right now.

Stop waiting until someone promises you their little secret. I assure you, it’s already within you! Remember you are worthy to show up in this moment without anyone else;s permission to do so. Standing in that truth and embracing that power is the first and most important step to loving your life and your body. Knowing that you are uniquely and wonderfully made and that the world is waiting for you to just embrace that should light your tush on fire to get out there!

I get it though…the “ra ra ra” is nice but action is hard. Change is hard. But aren’t you tired of standing still? Aren’t you tired of each year making the same goals in hopes that this time it all finally works? Guess what, change is easier when you believe you are worthy of the end result that comes through that change.

Remember: You are worthy.

Worthy of those dreams and desires in your heart. The truth you know deep down that might be buried under doubt and lies the world has told is still there. We are stronger when we lift each other up and I hope next year, the goals you are thinking right now are not your goals again. That the weight loss happened OR you realized that weight loss is not the answer to happiness and you focused on loving your life instead. That the job you dreamed of is yours OR you’re in the perfect position to move your way closer to that job. That the relationship that held you back or made you feel less than you were is a thing of the past and you realized you don’t need a partner to complete you because you are whole.

Whatever your dreams and hopes are, know that they are there for a reason. Know that they are your’s and you are worthy of them. We all have different desires of our hearts and that is why it is important to honor what and where we are called, not to just mindfully go with the flow and accept others version of success and happiness as our own.

Are you ready to embrace your worthiness? Are you ready to love your life and your body from the inside out? I’ve got exciting things coming to help unleash the you that you were created to be and would love to go on that journey with you! Pop onto this list below to get more details on this 1-1 program before it launches! Trust me when I say it’s gonna be your one stop shop to change your life! I’m including fitness, nutrition, self-love, fashion and so much more, ALL customizable and geared towards lighting you up inside and showing the world who you truly are.

Are you finally to show the world YOU ARE WORTHY?

See this form in the original post

No matter how you choose to go about it today, show yourself you are worthy. Whether it’s resisting an action you know makes you feel less than, stepping out of a mindless habit for something more edifying, choosing to prioretize yourself over again putting you on the back burner, or even just by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying “I am worthy.” Wherever you start today, know that you are not alone and that the world is waiting for you to fill the void that only you can!

And just incase you forgot…You are so freakin’ worthy babe!

