Kami Blease

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Dare to Aim Higher

Hi beauties! Hope you are having a productive start to your week <3 I know it is rainy here in Dallas but definitely still getting lots and lots done. I really do love Mondays! Which I know sounds kind of crazy but when you love what you do and plan to do things throughout the day that bring you joy, you can enjoy any day of the week! 

One thing I have been thinking a lot about lately is dreaming...goal setting...the future haha Lots of big thoughts. But the more I got in my head the more I created this fear around the dreams I had for myself. The more I doubted my skills, my goals, my talents and my gifts. That is NOT the mentality we should have around an opportunity in our lives that could get us closer to living out our dreams! 

However, for whatever reason those thoughts are sometimes there. They ebb and flow and occasionally they really rear their heads. I am sure some of my fellow entrepreneurs are nodding in agreement haha I know I am not alone here. BUT as I was noticing myself in this mindset I happened upon this quote that really resonated with me. 

" The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it." -Michaelangelo 

Don't we do that?? Aim a little low, knowing we will probably hit that goal, all the while if we had aimed a little higher and pushed ourselves we could have probably hit that goal too!? Fear and doubt can play a powerful and nasty role if you let it. Or fear and doubt can be stared down and walked right over. It can be used to fuel us. You can use those negative emotions for good.

To pretend that there was no fear in leaving my corporate job would be a lie. To pretend that there was no fear in completely switching job industries, in general, would be a lie. And yet, pushing myself past the limits I was comfortable brought about an opportunity to create a job and lifestyle I love. Of course, there are still days of fear because the unknown is hard. But I believe in myself, my dream, my mission and my gifts and I try to let those voices be louder than fear. 

Don't let the fear of a big dream stop you. Create smaller goals that will help you reach your ultimate goal. Those are the "lower aims" you can use as momentum to help you reach your destination. 

Aim HIGH, aim BIG because you really just might hit it. You really might get everything you ever wanted. Yeah, you will probably have to work harder, have setbacks and sometimes have doubt creep in. But keep persevering. Keep dreaming and aim higher. It is easy to be lazy, it is easy to be comfortable but you were not called to be lazy, you were not given that dream because it was easy. If you have an idea that really calls you, listen because it is uniquely yours and you owe it to yourself to follow through. 

What are some of the things you are going to aim a little higher for? Let me know in the comments below!