Headlines that drive me INSANE!

These headlines are meant to drive to you click or buy. They are meant to sound enticing and too good to be true. The goal is to make you think it's so simple, they'll tell you how and if it doesn't work...well that's your fault. 

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Kami BleaseComment
Why your intentions matter

Lose weight - - - - > Be happy love your life

This is the messaging society tells us. This is what we get sold day after day. That only if we were smaller, then we would be happier. But this is a lie. This is a lie used to exploit you and make money. This is not grounded in reality because if it were, all thin people would be happier and it would honestly be a lot easier to get there. 

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Kami BleaseComment
How to create a positive relationship with fitness

I truly believe we are happier when we are taking care of our bodies. I think this looks different to each person but one of the basic ways we can do that is through movement. We are not all lucky enough to walk, run, skip and jump so if you can realize just how blessed you are. It is an honor to be able to move our bodies in any capacity so why do we resist it so much?

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It's NEVER too late

Are you waiting until things look different, feel different or just plain are different before you start fully embracing your life? Do you feel like all this waiting has potentially made you miss the boat on something you ultimately want?

Girl, I am here to tell you it is NEVER too late. But it's time to stop waiting! 

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